Financial Mentors

A financial mentor can show you how to improve your financial skills and help you apply for a loan – so you feel more in control of your money.

Find a financial mentor in your region


DebtfixNationwide0800 3328 101
Good Shepherd New ZealandNationwide0800 466 370


Mid North Budgeting Services TrustKaikohe(09) 401 2216
Te Hau Ora O NgāpuhiKaikohe(09) 405 2647 or (022) 608 9728
Kaitaia Family BudgetingKaitaia(09) 408 0026
Bay of Islands Budgeting ServiceKawakawa(09) 404 1582
Kaipara Budgeting ServiceDargaville(09) 439 8592
Otamatea Community ServicesMaungaturoto(021) 972926
Whangārei Care CentreWhangārei(09) 437 6397
Whangārei Budgeting ServiceWhangārei(09) 430 0177
Te Hau Awhiowhio o OtangareiWhangārei(09) 437 0908
The Salvation Army WhangāreiWhangārei(021) 195 1482


Family Works WaitākereAvondale(09) 835 1288
Auckland Central BudgetingBalmoral(09) 631 5572
The Salvation Army GlenfieldGlenfield(09) 441 2554
Vision West Budgeting ServiceGlen Eden(09) 818 0714
Henderson Budget ServiceHenderson-Massey, North-West, Upper Harbour, Whau(09) 836 4141
The Salvation Army WaitākereHenderson(09) 837 4471
Māngere Budgeting Services TrustMāngere, Ōtara, Ōtāhuhu, Onehunga, Manurewa0508 222 283
Vaiola Pacific Island Budgeting ServiceMāngere, Manurewa(09) 256 9639
The Salvation Army ManukauManukau(09) 262 2332
Christians Against PovertyPenrose0508 227 111
The Salvation Army Mt WellingtonMt Wellington(021) 614 977
MUMAFavona0800 866 862
Family Works, Leslie CentreMt Roskill(09) 639 2016
West Auckland Budget ServiceNew Lynn to Massey0800 755 455
North Shore Budget ServiceTakapuna0800 283 238
Te Puna Hauora o Te Raki PaewhenuaNorthcote(09) 489 0187
North Harbour Budgeting ServiceNorth Harbour(09) 448 5655
Anglican Trust for Women and ChildrenManuwera(09) 276 3729
Society of St Vincent de Paul AucklandMāngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Ōtara-Papatoetoe (Auckland Central East and South)(09) 270 4088
Pakuranga and Howick Budgeting ServicePakuranga(09) 576 5222 or or 0508HELP4ME (0508 435 7463)
Tamaki BudgetingEast and South Auckland(09) 570 9023
Papakura Budget ServicePapakura(09) 299 6881
CareRanui Budgeting ServiceRanui(09) 832 5961
The Salvation Army Royal OakRoyal Oak(09) 639 1181
Waiheke Budgeting Services TrustWaiheke(09) 372 6300
CARE Waitākere TrustWaitakere(09) 834 6480
Warkworth/Wellsford Budget ServiceWarkworth(021) 423 788
StepsForward TrustWhangaparaoa(022) 1532 898

Coromandel / Counties Manukau

Coromandel Independent Living TrustCoromandel(07) 866 8351 or (022) 018 0849
Franklin Family Support ServicesPukekohe, Tuakau(09) 238 6233
Paeroa Community Services TrustPaeroa(07) 862 6110
Thames Budgeting ServiceThames(07) 868 5964
Waihi Budgeting Service IncWaihi(07) 863 7793 or (027) 775 5443
Whitianga Community CentreWhitianga(07) 866 4476
Mangere Budgeting Services TrustTuakau0508 222 283


Cambridge Community HouseCambridge(07) 827 5402
Desert Springs Community CentreHamilton(07) 855 2728
Ezekiel Trust Budgeting Service and Food BankMorrinsville(07) 889 7451
Catholic Family Support ServicesHamilton(07) 856 3760
Hamilton Budgeting Advisory TrustHamilton(07) 838 1339
“Moneymata$" Matamata Budget Advisory ServiceMatamata(07) 888 5692
Ōtorohonga Household Budget ServiceŌtorohonga(07) 873 6434
Raglan Community HouseRaglan(07) 825 8500
Taumarunui Community Kokiri TrustTaumarunui(07) 895 5919
Budget House Taupō and TūrangiTaupō and Tūrangi District0800 468 227 or (027) 577 0080
Te Aroha Family Budgeting ServicesTe Aroha(07) 884 7490
Kainga Aroha Community HouseTe Awamutu 021 664 886
Te Kauwhata Community HouseTe Kauwhata(07) 826 4303
Maniapoto Whanau Ora Centre (Kokiri Trust)Te Kuiti(07) 878 3680
Tokoroa Budget Advisory Service IncTokoroa(07) 886 4361
Mangakino Family ServicesMangakino(07) 882 8709


Hāwera Budget Advisory ServiceHāwera(06) 278 8448
New Plymouth Budget Advisory ServiceNew Plymouth(06) 758 5996

Bay of Plenty

Rangitaiki Budget Advisory ServiceKawerau(07) 323 6653
Murupara Budget Advisory Service TrustMurupara(07) 366 5159
Catholic Family Support ServicesRotorua(07) 242 7220
Family FocusRotorua(07) 346 2096
Rotorua Budget Advisory ServiceRotorua(07) 346 3236
Bay Financial Mentors – Tau Awhi NoaTauranga(07) 578 0969
Financial Mentoring ServiceWhakatāne(07) 307 1390 or (027) 774 6288
Whakaatu Whanaunga TrustŌpōtiki(07) 315 5174


Moni Ora (Gisborne Budget)Gisborne(06) 867 7173 or 0800 115 370
Wairoa Financial Literacy ServiceWairoa(06) 838 6921

Hawke’s Bay

Birthright HB Child & Family CareNapier, Hastings(06) 835 2162 or 0800 457 146
Central Hawkes Bay Budget ServicesWaipukurau(06) 858 8196
Napier Family Centre Budget ServiceNapier(06) 843 7280
Ngati Pahauwera Budget SolutionsNapier(06) 838 6869 or (027) 310 4503
BudgetFirstHastings(06) 878 0530


Levin Budget ServiceLevin, Horowhenua, Kapiti(06) 368 6924
Otaki Family Budgeting ServiceOtaki(06) 364 6579


Tararua REAPTararua(06) 374 5211
Manchester House Social ServicesFeilding(06) 323 7191
Foxton District Budget ServiceFoxton(06) 363 6684
Marton & Districts Budget ServiceMarton(06) 327 4537 or (027) 623 8077
Financial Freedom TrustPalmerston North(06) 357 6122 or 0800 121 184
Moneywise ManawatūPalmerston North(06) 358 2279 or 0800 228 343
The Salvation Army Palmerston NorthPalmerston North(06) 358 2314
Whanganui Budget Advisory ServiceWhanganui0800 183 183, (06) 345 3746 or (027) 243 3362
REAP WairarapaMasterton0800 WAIREAP (0800 9247 327) or (06) 377 1379
Help n HandsPaihiatua(06) 376 6759


Newtown Budgeting & Advocacy ServicesNewtown(04) 389 8121
Whanau Family Support Services TrustHutt Valley(04) 570 6020 or (021) 165 5906
SuperGrans Lower Hutt Financial Mentor (Budgeting) ServiceLower Hutt(04) 566 9778
Agape Budgeting LtdWellington, Porirua, (Upper and Lower) Hutt(04) 477 3000 or (021) 246 7224
The Salvation ArmyPorirua | Newtown(04) 389 0594 press 0
Hutt City Budget and Advocacy ServiceLower Hutt(04) 566 6357
Petone Budget ServicePetone(04) 568 8831

South Island

Upper South Island

Motueka Family Service CentreMotueka(03) 528 0234 or 0800 211 211
Maataa Waka Ki Te Tau Ihu TrustBlenheim(03) 577 9256

Canterbury and West Coast

Te Whare Putea Trust – Heartlands Service CentreKaikoura(03) 319 7243 or (027) 333 2200
Budgeting Services North Canterbury Inc.Rangiora(03) 313 3505
Family Start West CoastWest Coast(03) 768 6568
Christchurch Budget serviceChristchurch(03) 366 3422
Christchurch City MissionChristchurch0800 787 855
Te Runanga O Nga Maata Waka IncChristchurch(03) 382 6628
Compassion Trust Financial Mentoring ServiceChristchurch East(03) 379 2329
The Salvation Army Financial Mentoring
The Salvation Army GreymouthGreymouth(03) 768 5045 Ext 3 or (021) 912 412
Kingdom Resources - ChristchurchChristchurch(03) 332 1700

Lower South Island

Family Works, North OtagoOamaru(03) 477 7115
Family Works, Central OtagoCentral Otago, Queenstown Lakes0508 396 678
Family Works, DunedinDunedin(03) 477 7116
Family Works, BalcluthaBalclutha0508 396 678
The Salvation Army Queenstown/WanakaQueenstown, Wanaka(021) 195 5534
Family Works, South OtagoBalclutha, Milton, Lawrence, South Otago0505 396 678
Clutha Budget Advisory ServiceBalclutha(027) 781 1041
Jubilee Budget Advisory ServiceInvercargill(03) 214 0942 or (027) Jubilee (027 5824533)